In 2019 Samsung Mobile looked into how consumers were using the camera on their phones. One of the insights they discovered was that an overwhelming (<75% of users) said they preferred video over still capture, citing the more natural, less posed outcome.

In 2020 the Galaxy S20 was set to deliver the world's first 8K video capture—a mobile category first. But what made this new technology truly special was its ability to output 33MP stills straight from the 8K footage. 'Found with' was the launch campaign designed to articulate this feature and inspire a revolution in everyday capture behavior.

The UI video timeline, perfect photography, and a pulled frame helped iconize this new feature.

The video timeline cleverly demonstrated how the user could achieve impossible shots simply by scrubbing to find the decisive moment.

‘Found with’ also celebrated the art of impossible images—featuring seemingly impossible shots taken with the 8K-to-still feature.